<body> DESIGN BLOGG (:
Th Girl ♥

SPsian :D
DID class 01



...LINKS ♥


  • April 2008
  • June 2008
  • July 2008
  • August 2008
  • February 2009


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    ...CREDITS ♥

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2| 3

    Sunday, February 15, 2009

    MONDAY { 09/02 }

    It is the submission for the shophouse panels and the intech mock up component.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    Today is the last lecture of first year.

    Some dry theories about forms and space first and after that is hands on activity.

    We are told to take 1 big piece of paper and 5 smaller pieces of paper, we cut and fold and forms and space are created.

    We stick the forms together to form space.

    The space i created is for art gallery or museum.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    The last mood box i did. (:

    This was much more calm and the curves goes in the same direction.

    Mock up model of the shophouse. Did it using mounting board.

    The final model of the mood box. Due to time constrain, i use white card instead of true materials to construct the shophouse.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    SUNDAY {11/01}

    The 16 photos is taken according to the 16 design principles given:

    Contrast Movement Pattern Rhythm Curves Colours Folding Repetition Balance Axis Scale Texture Twisting Hierachy Emphasis and lastly Bending

     -when are you coming back? ;

    3rd attempt in doing the moodbox.

    This time i am inspired by The Starry Night painted by van Gogh.

    The curves he use and the brushstrokes.

    However after the consultation, i am told that the curves are too wild, have to calm down.

    So i have to do another mood box, but i can start now with my shophouse shell.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    WEDNESDAY { 31/12 }

    After consulting about the moodbox, i have to redo another one as my moodbox concept is like scattered, 1 side of the box is texture another side is colours. So i will have to tie all the concepts together. This is the 2nd attempt of constructing the moodbox.
    The curves indicate the movement, and also i paint it with bright colours.

    MONDAY { 05/01 }
    There's an interim submission today, we have to pass up our moodbox, concepts for the shophouse and case study component. The lecturers will review our work and then on wednesday will consult the lecturers again.

    floor plans and perspective

    floor plans and perspective

    section and perspective

     -when are you coming back? ;

    First we have to construct a moodbox on the concept of our cilent.
    For Vincent van Gogh, the 3 principles are, texture, colours and movement.
    During the first attempt i tried to combine all the 3 components together.

    and below is the mood box i constructed during my first attempt. (:

    When school reopen we will have to consult our lecturers.

     -when are you coming back? ;