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Th Girl ♥

SPsian :D
DID class 01



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  • April 2008
  • June 2008
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  • February 2009


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    ...CREDITS ♥

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2| 3

    Monday, June 9, 2008

    week 3 MONDAY! [28/04]

    yeahhs, we have to pin up our drawings on fruits/vegetables that we draw last weekend.
    many have beautiful shadings and some even add in colours!
    after the lecturers browse through our drawings, we proceed on to the next activity.
    drawing on acrylic sheets!
    today we are told to bring 2 acrylic sheets[slightly bigger than A4size]
    1st task : we have to look through the acrylic sheet and draw our partner detailed features of face and half body, 30cm away from her. its somethjing like tracing the features out.
    i find that its easier for me to trace than to look and draw.
    2nd task : this is harder. we have to stand around 2 meters away from our partner and draw the person and the surrounding objects on the acrylic sheet. obviously we have to draw more things!
    during the aftnoon, we are to use the wires we brought today and bend it into 3 shapes [sphere, pyramid and cube] all 10cm by 10 cm. (: i cant finish the 3 objects in sch so have to bring back and complete it and bring it back again on wednesday! we are to think of 5 permutations on how to combine the 3 shapes together.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    a BUSY friday! [25/04]

    after re-drawing the 20 emotions, we are to pin up the drawings on friday!
    this time round we really put in 101% effort to make our drawings look great!
    the lecturers were satisfied with our work and
    the drawings look better compared to wednesday. (:
    after the pin ups, we are to transfer our drawings onto the 10 ping pong balls[3d] we brought today. its quite difficult as we used to drawing things on 2d.
    total we will have to do 20 ping pong balls and to be completed by next monday!
    back in the studio, i only manage to draw 5 or 6 pingpong balls.
    while drawing on pingpong balls, it will smurge and this make it harder for me to draw on the ping pong balls. however if we use marker to go over it, it will not smurge easily.
    i will have to complete all 20 pingpong balls at home.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    on wednesday...[23/04]

    we are to draw 5 themes[20 items] on our emotions and pin it up today.
    the lecturers were not really satisfied with our work
    and i dint put in 100% effort so the work is definitely not up to standard.
    so we did not use the 10 ping ping balls we brought on wed.
    the lecturers want us to redo or touch up on the 20 items we draw for the 4 emotions
    and pin it up again on friday.
    we had to bring the 10 pingpong balls on friday!
    so that's what happen basically on wednesday. :D

     -when are you coming back? ;

    Thursday, June 5, 2008

    week2 MONDAY! (: [21/04]

    The 1st thing to do on monday morning is to pass up the home activity
    but the lecturers want us to redo again and to pass up on next week.
    we learn about 4 different types of shading [ gradient, hatching, lines and dots shading]
    and also learn how to apply the shadings in a sphere.
    straight after that, we proceed to draw our fruits/vegetables that we brought on monday.

    we are required to draw 9 views of the uncut fruits/vegetables and 2 views of cut open fruits/vegetables.

    i drew pepper chilli which is a little hard, actually i wanted to draw mangosteen but i dint manage to get it at the market. we have to add in shading in order to make the drawings stand out and look real. (the pictures will upload it when sch reopens as the drawings is still in sch :D)

    we have to pin it up on next monday. (:

    On the afternoon, a worksheet is given to us for us to fill in the meaning of our name, 4 hobbies, 4 things we like, 4 emotions etc.

    after that, we are to draw out our emotions. the 4 emotions of mine is, happy, depress, lonely and angry.
    we draw the 4 emotions onto one drawing block and i draw scenarios as it is the easiest
    i have difficulties drawing my emotions out at the given time but i manage to finish drawing in the given time and pin it up.
    the lecturers gave us 5 themes, object, colours, icons, patterns and materials
    so total we have to draw or paste 20 items on 5 drawing blocks and to be pin up on wed.
    we are also required to bring 10 pingpong balls on wednesday!

     -when are you coming back? ;