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SPsian :D
DID class 01



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  • April 2008
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    ...CREDITS ♥

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2| 3

    Wednesday, July 30, 2008

    MONDAY {26/05}

    on monday we have to prepare for DID festival which is on THURSDAY. (:
    we have to decorate our box and i painted it with black and light pink.
    we also have to hang the pingpong balls we did with fishing lines and its pretty nice.
    people also help to pin up some of the nice drawings we did during drawing classes and the chandelion we all painted is hung in front of the entrance.
    all the students are to place their models, wire sculpture on the table allocated. for those models which is very outstanding, theirs is placed at the tables outside.
    so basically thats all for monday and really look forward for the DID festival! :D

     -when are you coming back? ;

    FRIDAY {23/05}

    On friday, we came back to school to paint the chandelion which will be hang at the entrance of the studio.
    each of us is to paint around 2~3 lightbulbs on the chandelion. we choose the 2 best designs out of our pingpong balls and paint on it.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    WEDNESDAY {21/05}

    today is critique for our class 01. (: there are two timings, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. i m allocated the morning slot cause my reg num is 13.
    so we went to the DS office to collect our stuffs first then proceed back to the studio and wait for our turn.
    at first we thought we have to preent in front of the lecturers but in the end, we just listen to what the lecturers said. they pin out our bad points as well as good points and of cause want us to work hard. we can also complain to them that we need sleep. haha!
    after the critique session, i know what i can improve on and work harder. (:

     -when are you coming back? ;

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    MONDAY {19.05}

    yeapps. its public HOLIDAYS!
    so we are to check our timeslot for wednesday critique session! (:

     -when are you coming back? ;

    FRIDAY {16/05}

    today is the submission day. we have to submit all our assignments and projects.
    peek a boo(k) and russian doll will be submited on 4pm while the journals and other assignments is to be submited at 11am.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    WEDNESDAY {14/05}

    Basically all of us were rushing on our russian doll and peek a boo(k) project while some consulted lecturers for the peek a boo(k) project.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    MONDAY {12/05}

    first thing, submit home activity! for this home activity, we are required to shade using dots, draw continuous circle and 45degree diagonal lines.
    its quite hard fro the shading part because the dots are so small.
    morning is the drawing session. we are told to draw humans in proportion
    first, the lecturers teach us how to measure human using pencil.
    after that we need to find a partner and draw in proportion and shade it in details.
    after the drawing session, we have to let the lecturers see our 2 russian dolls we make.
    the lecturer said that my russian is to flat and have to add some elements to make it pop out and interesting.
    i have to go artfriend and buy those nessary materials for my russian doll.
    as for the home activity, we will have to submit on next next monday as next monday is public holiday. while all the 4 russian doll is to submit on friday.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    FRIDAY {09/05}

    today is also the consultation session on russian doll.
    i consult the lecturers and they give me idea on what materials to use.
    eventually, the lecturers suggest me to use clay instead of cardboard. (:
    clay can be more 3 dimensional compared to cardboard cause the shapes of my russian doll is rounded.
    the good news is, we don't have to pass up all the 4 russian dolls on next monday.
    instead, we submit 2 russian dolls on monday and the other 2 on friday, so we have more time to work on our russian dolls.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    WEDNESDAY {07/05}

    basically in the morning, is the consultation of russian doll period.
    we write our name on the given timeslot and wait for our turn to come.
    we are required to bring the 4 outlines of the wire sculpture and the wire sculpture to let the lecturer see and give us ideas on the russian doll.
    most of our classmates are to use the 4 outlines for the shape of the russian doll, but for me, the lecturer said that my 4 outlines are too similar so i have to use other shapes.
    the lecturers really give me alot of ideas to brainstorm on.
    after the consultation i went back to our seat and figure out wad shapes and graphics i want to use for my russian doll. thats the end of the day (:

     -when are you coming back? ;

    MONDAY {05/05}

    on Monday, first thing we need to do is to submit our home activity.
    we pin up all our drawings on shadings in solids.
    monday morning design studio is fun. we were told to draw our hands and feets.
    sounds easy right? haha but we are to draw them without looking at what we have drawn.
    the hard part is we have to add in details like shadings, fingernails and those wrinkles.
    its really hard but at least i manage to draw my hand and feet without details.
    at least it looks like. (:
    we also try to draw different views of our hand, maybe the back of the hand etc.
    after the morning DS session, we have the chance to go to the workshop near foodcourt 1 there.
    the workshop there is air-conditioned and is different from my school workshop.
    i have to ask my friends about the machines as during sec school i take art and not DnT.
    back to the studio, we are to plan and draw the russian dols we planning to make.
    on wednesday will be the consulatation period. (:

     -when are you coming back? ;

    Wednesday, July 23, 2008

    FRIDAY! (: (02/05)

    during our friday lesson, we started of with a lecture on TOYS. :D

    there pictures and descriptions of the toys in the olden days.

    it is very interesting as it is a big contrast between the toys now and in the past.

    for example, mickey mouse is not that cute in the 1930s but now, it looks adorable.

    which means that people are trying different ways to make the toys look better as so to attract the children.

    i have also learn some facts about hello kitty.

    hello kitty is 5 apples tall and is around the weight of 3 apples.

    after all the interesting pictures and facts we have learnt, the lecturer brief us on our new project. : MINI ME and PEEK A BOOK.

    For the MINI ME project, we are to create 4 dolls with different sizes{ from big to small}

    and the smaller 3 dolls are to fit inside the biggest doll.

    we have to transfer our 4 emotions onto the mini me.

    we can use any materials we want and i guess quite a few would choose to use cardboard.

     -when are you coming back? ;

    WEDNESDAY :D [30/04]

    We are to pass up all 40 pingpong balls and the 3 wire sculpture we did.
    after we pass up the 40 pingpong balls, we consulted the lecturer for the 5 permutations we did.

    I am told that my 5 permutations are too simple and to redraw again, maybe by changing the angle of the shapes and intersecting them.

    i consult the lecturer again and i can proceed to the next stage.
    we are told to choose 1 of the 5 permutations and build it using the wire.
    we can cover the sculpture some patterns on the sculpture and its to be pass up on next monday.

    furthermore, we have to draw 4 different outline of the sculpture and also to be pass up on next monday (:

     -when are you coming back? ;