Sunday, August 24, 2008
FRIDAY {15/08}
finally! its submission time!
today we have to submit;
- our labyrinth model
- the 16 tiles
- photographs of the labyrinth journey
i m really happy that i can submit all my work on the submission date, though the colour on the tiles are already fading. i m really pround of my work too. din't really know i can make a model in such a short period of time.
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THURSDAY {14/08}
my finished model ;
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basically today is just joining up the patterns to the model and touching up of the 16 tiles.
i have to rush as the submission date is only 2 days away.
and today i went to the workshop again to cut the platforms , stairs etc.
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MONDAY {11/08}
today i stay at home to complete the 16 tiles and draw the patterns on the materials.
tuesday then proceed to thw workshop and get it cut.
so basically, i have completed about half of the model and half of the 16 tiles.
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FRIDAY {08/08/08}
painty markers to paint the 16 tiles
there's a good news. the submission date is postpone to next friday, which means that we have 1 more week to finish up our model. and during this weekend we have to finish the 16 tiles as the 16 tiles also pass up on friday. so today we spent most of our time in the workshop and i have completed some parts of the model at home.
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same as last few days, we spend most of our time in the workshop to cut the stuffs we need to cut as soon as possible because submission date is next monday!
of course the workshop is crowded with people and we have to queue up to wait for my turn.
today we have little time in the workshop because we have CD lesson in the afternoon and so around 12pm we pack up and head to T14 for CD class
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MONDAY {04/08}
today is the first submission date.
there are two timings for 2 submission. first submission is our design portfolio which includes our drawings on drawing lesson and home activity. second submission is the models we made, the 16 tessalation, tones, colours, patterns and the escher model.
the first submission is at 10am. we all queue up to submit our work one by one.
after our first submission, we proceed to the workshop to continue cutting the patterns, stairs we need to cut. before 3pm we have to proceed back to the studio for the 2nd submission.
after all the submission, we went back to workshop again.
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FRIDAY {01/08}
today we continue to cut our marked out patterns and as usual, the workshop is crowded with people.
after some brainstorming, i decide to use only 4 squares out of 16 squares. this means that i have to enlarge all the patterns twice to fit in nicely to the cube.
i only cut out some of the patterns and my pace is really slow. really worried that i cannot complete my model on next next monday [11/08]
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today all of us continue to work on our labyrinth model
first we stayed in the studio to draw and sort out what we want to cut before proceeding to the workshop. well i m not a DNT student during sec school but an art student.
so i don't really know about the machines in the workshop and have to ask for the technician for assistance.
today i m cutting the timber strips and some of the patterns. after cutting those necessary things, we went back studio and brainstorm again.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
MONDAY {28/07}
Basically we stay in the studio to think of how the journey goes and what material we want to use. it is really head cracking as i don't really know how to start. from a small ZO card model and suddenly we have to construct a 400mm x 400mm x 400mm model. we only have approximately 2 weeks to complete it.
Some of them went to workshop to cut our the shapes or their timber strips.
in the afternoon, we decide to go out of school to buy our materials that steve told us.
therefore we head to a shop which sells mainly wood.
from there i bought 2 a3 size plywood and headed back home to brainstorm on the patterns and how we connect them together.
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FRIDAY {25/07}
its friday! And today its the lauching of our new and last project of the term.
First, we went to T523 for a movie called LABYRINTH. i guess this movie is quite old already and its a fantasy movie. this movie talks about a girl sarah have to save her baby brother from the labyrinth and the route to labyrinth have alot of twist and turns.
now its our part to create a journey using our tessalation pattern.
we are suppose to make a 400mm x 400mm x 400mm cube using the timber strips we bought [$6.60].
and inside is the journey of the labyrinth.
After the movie, we can consult the lecturers about our model and the lecturer said that there must be a platform below the staircase for sarah to stand on. from this i roughly know how to construct the model using true materials [metal, acrylic, wood]
we are also given 16 tiles each adn we are to transfer our tessalation pattern onto the 16 tiles and we use the same colour scheme for the 16 tiles.
for the next whole week we will be spending most of our time in the workshop.
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Today, we carry on doing our model and touching up the model.
For those who haven't start on their ZO cards model will start today and pass up on friday.
So basically i haven't really complete my model and continue to add some elements in like walls and platforms. after that i consult the lecturer and he say i have to put more vertical walls and if not most of the elements are in horizontal position.
before we end the day. We went to T523 to watch a video on colour, shapes etc.
Its quite a funny video but from the video, we learn about something new.
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Friday, August 22, 2008
MONDAY {21/07}
for today's morning drawing class, we learn about drawing two point perspective.
as usual, the lecturer teach us how to draw and then there are also 3 methods to drawing two point perspective. plotting method, estimation and grid method.
for me, i think that drawing 1 point perspective is much more easier and i find it difficult to understand 2 point perspective especially finding 2 point perspective in interior space.
same as last week, we have to walk around school and find 2 point perspective view and render it, this time with copic marker. we are to buy different tones of grey and render the 2 point perspective we have drawn.
for the afternoon session. we have to make models again. this time, we have to think of how to transform the patterns inside our tessalation into staircases, platforms and ceilings.
before we start, we are told to consult the lecturers in groups.
luckily i manage to proceed to the next level of model making.
for the next level we have to use our ZO cards and make a model like escher model we made previously.
we are to pass up our ZO cards model on wednesday.
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FRIDAY {18/07}
today we started of by pinning up our 3 tessalations
and then we have a new project! we are to construct 4 cubes using satay sticks.
first the lecturer brief us on the project, and this is how it goes.
we have to choose 1 of the tessalation we like best and choose 4 squares which can be vertical or horizontal but it cannot be diagonal.
we have to choose the squares that have many layerings.
we will then transfer the patterns in the square to out 100mm by 100mm satay stick cube.
1 side must be to resemblance to the pattern.
we have to do 3 models using paper and the last model using ZO cards.
for the last model, we have to add in staircases, platforms and ceilings to make it like escher model we did previously, and the model we did must have a journey in it.
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i have completed my tones at home and so, basically today i will have to complete colours and patterns. i have 1 1/2 more to go.
today in school i have completed my pattern tessalation and left colour tessalation to do it at home and pass up all 3 on friday. before our lesson end, there's a lecture on Thinking and Creativity. well i don't really understand what the lecture is about but will go home and check it out to try to understand more of it.
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MONDAY {14/07}
today is drawing class again! and we are taught 1 point perspective to refresh our memory.
this time round, we have to render 1 point perspective using colour pencil and not colour them.
we have to go round the school to find 1 point perspective, draw and finally render using colour pencil.
afternoon, we continue on our tessalation. we have completed all 3 combinations at home and now we are going to add patterns, tones and colours in the 3 different tessalation.
for the 1st tessalation, i start on the pattern first as i thought patterns would be easier compare to tones and colours. we are told to finish at least 1 tessalation at home and bring it on wednesday.
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FRIDAY {11/07}
today we continue to try different combinations of tessalation.
we also consult our lecturers on which combination will be more interesting.
one of the lecturer say that my combinations are too similiar to the combination i did and have to try more new combination to make it look interesting.
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today we have new project! we are to crop 1 part from our fav onthography and enlarge it and bring it to school today.
in total, we have to crop about 3 or 4 parts each from different onthograph.
having our enlarged onthographies we proceed to our new project.
1st we have to cut out a square 10cm by 10cm in the middle of the paper.
then we will place 1 of our enlarged onthography behind the paper and search for the best composition, then place a tracing over it to trace out the part we like.
after that we are to rotate 90 degree anti-clockwise and that is 1 square, total we have to have 4 squares so we have to rotate 3 times.
from the 1st square, we have to trace out the mirror image and rotate 3 times to get 4 squares.
then, we are to change the layers. what is on top is now below.
we repeat the steps again and in total we will have 16 squares.
from the 16 squares, we are to do different combinations of tessalation.
we have to do 3 tessalations which later on we will be colouring them.
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MONDAY {07/07}
today morning we get to learn new things. we learn how to draw 1 point perspective.
there are 3 methods of drawing 1 point perspective.
1st is plotting method, 2nd estimation and lastly is grid method.
of course estimation method is the easiest but it is less accurate while plotting method is more accurate but tedious.
after the lecturer taught us how to draw 1 point perspective, we proceed to draw 1 point perspective on a3 paper 1st. after we are more familiar with the steps, we then draw them in a1 paper. most of us hvn complete so we have to pass up on next monday.
afternoon, we have another lecture, which is on MC ESCHER.
his artworks are really fabulous and really nice.
after the lecture we have to construct a escher model using the ZO cards we collected last week.
we have to construct 15cm by 15cm big cube and base on the picture above we have to add in the staircase and platforms. it is quite for us at first cause we don't really understand what we need to do but luckily lecturer explain to us and we manage to start doing abit of the model.
we have to form a grp of not more than 3 people to do the model.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
FRIDAY {04/07}
today is the last lecture by the director.
after seeing the onthography, he said we did improve!
that's a good news, and again, he gave us 'chim' lecture but this time, it is easier for us to understand.
below are the pictures of 3d onthography, though it doesn't really look like 3d.
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we have a lecture again. this time it is lecture about WHAT IS DESIGN?
the lecturer gave us a paper to fill up what is design.
deisgn to me is sort of like creativity. without creativity i think we can't really design a thing or spaces.
there are many answers to what is design, such as concept, idea etc.
after the lecture, director came and gave us lecture again.
this time he told us to articulate and talk about the onthography we have drawn
the onthography we drawn is in 2d, now we are given a task.
we have to transform it into 3d! its quite a challenging task and we have to pin it up on friday.
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MONDAY {31/06}
first we have to pass up our home activity and then we proceed on to our class activity.
today's class activity is called 'i see dead spaces'
we have to divide our drawing block into 4 parts and we have to shade 8 objects around us.
what i mean by shade, we have to shade the hollow part of the object.
next activity, we have to draw 3 things one behind each other
thickest line for the object which is closest to us and dotted line for the parts of the object that we cant see with our naked eye.
afternoon, the director came again. this time his lecture is also very 'chim' and we have to pay full attention to prevent him from calling us to answer his chim question.
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FRIDAY {27/06}
its friday and we start off with a lecture on artists which mainly focus on jackson pollock.
he is influence by surrealism and started his own style by dripping and pouring.
most of his works are HUGE and it is beautiful!
after the lecture, the director came and gave us a lecture on philosophies which i don't really understand.
and we are told to pin up our work
next week we will have to draw 2 more onthography with different style and pin it up on monday.
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today is class outing again!! this time round, we went to LASALLE art school.
its the first time i went there and the building is super nice!
most of the walls are made of glass which made it interesting and the shapes of the building.
we are there to see the works of the different courses there, this inculde: fine arts, interior design etc.
below are some of the pictures taken at lasalle (:
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